Thursday, February 28, 2013

March Assignment

With the beginning of a new month comes new opportunities; a fresh start, a new slate. Spring break.

With March comes the daunting deadline

Here's an assignment for your Body Project:
Take a moment to write down your goals for the next two months.
What do you want to achieve between now and May 1st?

Make sure your goals are REALISTIC (no, 30lbs probably isn't realistic, but 10 might be better!)

Now, how are you going to reach them? What are you going to do different from this moment on, what are you going to improve on, what are you going to change in your life in order to change your body?

Write it all down. Post it on the back of your front door, on your mirror in the bathroom, somewhere you'll see it every day. Break them into post it's and put them all around to keep your focus and your goal in mind.

Remember, without challenge there is no change.

Stay strong, my friends. And get


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Welcome to the greatest project you'll ever embark on.

Hopefully that's why you're here. 
You've woken up a million times, but for some reason, today is different. Today you woke up, looked in the mirror, and decided that you are better. You decided you will not settle for less. You know there is great potential within you - and it's about time you let others (and yourself) see it in the mirror.

Taking the first step on a healthy journey is often exciting, but you need to remember a few things:
1. This is for YOU and your BODY. Not your boyfriend, not your nagging mother, nobody but yourself. 
2. There is a distinct difference between being HEALTHY and being SKINNY
3. Food is a divine power source, not the enemy.
4. It is a journey, and every journey takes time.

Whatever reason you've decided to do this, you should be proud. It takes bravery to realize that you can change yourself, and even more courage to do it in the face of a society that hails fast food, diet pills, and worships stick-thin models that represent less than 1% of the realistic population.
Welcome to the journey, my friends. It's gonna be one hell of a ride.